PropNo Rif. 54A
Type of use Housing
Type of commercialization Purchase
Type of property House
Kind of property Detached house
Postcode 31036
City Istrana
Country Italy
Floor 2
Living area 350 sqm
Number of rooms 14,5
Number of bedrooms 5
Number of bathrooms 3
Number of residential units 1
Window frames Aluminium frame
Glazing Double glazed
Heating type Heizkörper (IT)
Combustion Oil
Floor Tiles
Kitchen eat-in kitchen
Elevator No lift
Type of parking space Garage, Outdoor parking space
Number of floors 3
Purchase price 299.000 €
External commission 3%
PropNo Rif. 54A Type of use Housing
Type of commercialization Purchase Type of property House
Kind of property Detached house Postcode 31036
City Istrana Country Italy
Floor 2 Living area 350 sqm
Number of rooms 14,5 Number of bedrooms 5
Number of bathrooms 3 Number of residential units 1
Window frames Aluminium frame Glazing Double glazed
Heating type Heizkörper (IT) Combustion Oil
Floor Tiles Kitchen eat-in kitchen
Elevator No lift Type of parking space Garage, Outdoor parking space
Number of floors 3 Purchase price 299.000 €
External commission 3% Currency
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Contact person
  • Cinzia Bilibio

Ms. Cinzia Bilibio
Via Roma, 20/B
31050 Vedelago

Phone +39 334 78 46 332 Email cinzia@lameridianaimmobiliare.it

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Address La Meridiana Immobiliare Via Roma 20/B 31050 Vedelago (TV)
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